Unable to find a therapist with availability? Struggling to apply what you’ve read in self-help books? Feeling stuck?

Let Within Reach Workshops help you build the life you want

workshops for everyone

What is Within Reach Workshops?

Within Reach Workshops is a short-term, focused, interactive workshop where you will learn a framework with practical tools to directly make meaningful changes in your life. Within Reach Workshops is easy to sign up for, offered several times throughout the year, and anyone is welcome to join. We also offer custom versions of our workshop virtually or in-person for organizations, schools, universities and businesses.

Within Reach is rooted in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT was developed to address the universal human struggle with pain and discomfort. These workshops use the ACT approach to change your relationship with the challenges you face so you are free to build the life you want. ACT has been shown to be effective whether you are feeling anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed, experiencing grief, loss, or significant life events.

Dr. Lori Eisner and Dr. Heather Kapson, both clinical psychologists with training and expertise in the practice of ACT, created Within Reach Workshops to deliver high quality, evidence-based treatment strategies beyond individual treatment. Seeing the unmet demand for mental health treatment in the community, we know firsthand how difficult it is to find a therapist. Within Reach Workshops have been designed to make therapeutic tools more accessible, understandable and tangible.

Who can benefit from Within Reach Workshops?

Anyone and everyone! The framework for these tools is universal and can be personalized to work for you. ACT has been shown to be effective across many obstacles people face.

*Please note that this is not a continuing education training for providers looking to incorporate these strategies into their clinical practice.

How do I know if Within Reach Workshops is for me?

  • Do you feel stressed? Are you stressed about your stress?
  • Does it feel overwhelmed? Exhausted?
  • Are you always thinking about the past or worrying about the future?
  • Do you doubt yourself or feel insecure? Lack confidence or motivation to pursue your goals?
  • Do you keep doing the same thing over and over again and feel hopeless about change?

If any or all of this is true, you can benefit from a Within Reach workshop.

What about my privacy?

Before you enter into the webinar, you will be reassigned a unique participant ID. All cameras will be off and microphones will be muted. Participation is optional, and you can comment or ask questions via the chat which will only be viewed by the hosts. We aim to create a safe environment for people to explore, participate, and learn.


A wise investment,
Meaningful results

At Within Reach Workshops, we believe in making effective interventions affordable and accessible. Invest your time and your money in a better you.

6, 1-hour workshops

Once a week, for 6 weeks, join our expert clinicians for an hour long virtual workshop where you will engage in interactive learning and personalized exercises. These workshops are appropriate for anyone who is interested in building a practical and useful skillset to enhance their mental health. Our next workshop begins on Wednesday June 26, 2024 and will meet 6 Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm EST. (*NOTE: This workshop will not meet on Wednesday July 24, 2024)


for 6, 1-hour sessions


6, 1-hour workshop sessions


Summer 2024 Workshop Dates: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/31, 8/7


Summaries of key concepts provided after each workshop


Worksheets and audio files of experiential exercises

Host your own Within Reach Workshop

Within Reach Workshops will customize a workshop to your organization’s needs and interests. These workshops can be done virtually or in-person depending on location. Regardless of delivery, workshops will be interactive and personalized for each individual. Price available upon request.


Customized program based on length, number of participants and your goals for your group


Worksheets and audio files of experiential exercises

A roadmap for living


Creating a roadmap

We begin with identifying the obstacles that are in the way of having the life you want. We will explore what is important to you and what you want your life to look like. The creation of a personalized roadmap that encompasses your dreams and your challenges will serve as a guide throughout your journey.


Being here now

Do spend you a lot of time caught up in your mind? Not being in the present makes it difficult for us to move towards what matters. You will learn practical techniques for focusing your attention in the here and now.


Embracing your inner experience

Do you struggle with your painful thoughts and feelings or work hard to push them away? In these workshops, you will learn a different way to respond to your thoughts and feelings and how to fight less with them.


Unhooking from inner experiences

Do you find yourself listing reasons why the life you want is not possible or so caught up in your emotions that you cannot move forward? You will learn how to unhook from your inner experiences so that you can focus your attention on what matters to you.


Figuring out what is important to you

Do you know what you want to stand for in life and the kind of person you want to be? We will explore what is meaningful and important to you, and you will gain more clarity as to what your priorities are.


Taking action to achieve your goals

Do you have trouble taking the necessary actions to change your life? We help you set meaningful and realistic goals that are tailored specifically to your vision of what you want your life to be. You will learn strategies and techniques to succeed in achieving those goals.

a life full of emotions, a life full of meaning

What People Say

“I would recommend Within Reach Workshops to others primarily because it shifts your thinking in terms of how you may view or react to things in life that you really do not need to be worried or concerned about. It helped me stay focused on what I would like to do and not let anxieties hold me back.”

“It was very cathartic to do such a self-evaluation. The sessions are applicable to everyone. Sometimes just acknowledging the problem/challenge can be productive. “

“I recommended it to my sister. I liked that it was straightforward and concrete. I thought it was great.”